Religion and Philosophy. God and the Devil — classical checkers/chess. Stars of Alpha
Religion shapes history as much as anything else. It's ridiculous, naive, but people follow "God".
Great artists, writers, musicians simply parasitize on this direction. Moreover, it is always convenient, because the ground is ready, huge layers of readers and viewers are ready. The music of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Handel, Haydn — all in the service of the Catholic Church. Dante Alighieri's "Divine Comedy" and Johann Goethe's "Faust" have had a huge historical impact. By the way, The Divine Comedy entirely inherits the structure of the Games. This book, as well as its author, had an "Alpha" behind it.
Temptations and experiences gave birth to the Bible, as well as the rest of the sacred texts: the Koran, Tripitaka, Kojiki, Nihongi, Tao de Jing, Bai'an, Tanakh, Vedas, and the like. Steady game patterns and their spiritual leaders emerged.
Religion has been cultivated by Alpha historically. Alpha is leading and developing this trend. The stars in the Bible are an image of mystery. The Bible is the symbol of the Game Model, and Jesus Christ is the Superstar.
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